Monday, May 13, 2013

Growing up -_-

When we are young, all we want to do is grow up. Become teenagers. Be an adult. But for what? What is the appeal we feel when wanting to skip a lot of years in our life? Maybe it's wanting the freedom to do what we want, or maybe it's the responsibility. All I can say is this, growing up kinda sucks. 

Why? Because what I have found is this: growing up is much like having the skin on your body ripped off. 

Next fall, I will be moving to Anderson, South Carolina. I'm getting more nervous/excited as the time for me to leave creeps nearer. The change that is coming for me is quite large and no minor thing. How will I know that I will come out safe and untouched? Well I don't. I guess this is the part where I have to shut-up and watch God work. And I hate to admit it, but that scares the bahogees out of me. I know that the LORD has a plan for me, but having faith in his plan is a bit hard. If one has the faith of a mustard seed, they can move mountains. Well I can hardly move a stone or at least that's the way it seems. 

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, "We live by faith, not by sight." This is much easier said then done. 
In college, I really want to live by faith! I want to throw my hands up and let God take the wheel. I should be doing this everyday! 

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