Tuesday, September 3, 2013

College Life

Now that I am in college at the wonderful Anderson University, I feel it is time to post  about my new college life. Why? Well the reason why I feel I should right on such a dull subject is I would much rather write on this subject then study at the moment. 

I really enjoy college. At first, I was a bit overwhelmed with all the change that was occurring. For example, on the day I moved in, my loving and fantastic mother kept asking me question after question about how I did or did not want my room. With each question that came I found myself getting that much closer to "blowing my top." But instead of losing my cool, I asked her if it was ok to simply step out and get some fresh air. When I came back I was ready to go. 

After getting the basics of my room set up, my parents had a list of things they needed to go get me. So during this time I was able to go over to the bookstore and get my books. When I got there, there was absolutely no line (score!) so I was able to get my books with ease. 

A few days later after my parents had left and I was settled I started classes! my first class was Spanish and to say that I was nervous going into it would be a gigantic understatement. I'm pretty sure my knees were making a sound more obnoxious then the noise a old lemon makes. Lucky for me there was a seat open in the back so I quickly went to it and sat there waiting for the torture of fear to be over. I survived my class and the classes that followed grew easier and easier to bare. 

Something about college that I defiantly have a "love-hate relationship" with, is the food. On campus, we have three different places that we are able to eat; Food for Thought, The Cafeteria, and The Grill. I'm somewhat sick of all three of them. Going home this past weekend was fantastic because I was able to eat "regular" food.  

Well this is all I have to report currently I suppose. 

Until next time,